Combat Monsters follow your every command, smashing all that come before them - and the messier the better!
We've married up the best bits of CCG games - the deck constructing, with the best bits of RPG games - the fighting, to bring you a true evolution in fantasy card gaming.
Plan your strategy, pick your monsters and equipment.
Cast magical spells to turn the tables on your foes, then play a timely rune to keep them turned.
Combat Monsters is a unique combination of collectable card games and tactical combat 10 man-years in the making.
If you’re a fan of CCGs and/or turn-based tactical strategy games, we made this game for you.
What's New
* Added nearly 300 new cards, see below.
* Added a new deck rules choice. Play either "standard" (existing rules), or "Single 50" (50 cards exactly, not a single duplicate allowed)
* Added "Daily Doubler"
* Added "Epic Boosting Mega Pack"
* Added customiseable pendants (flags) for customers.
* Added the "Card Forge" for customers. Recycle your overcards into new ones you don't have.
* Heroes now have a special ability, just like the monsters.
* Added a new race of monsters - "Robots"
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