Briefing from Headquarters
Good Day Gunner! It’s another day at the naval combat against the Japanese troops in the ocean. We have just deployed our mighty warship, “The Destroyer”, into the waters to carry supplies to allied forces on the Far East islands.
But our attempt to aid the forces has been caught off guard by the furious attack from Japanese bomber fighter planes. These planes are heavily armored and equip dangerous mounted guns and torpedoes. They can go on every extreme to halt in our movement. Thankfully, our naval warship had deployed some anti-aircraft single and twin guns as a failsafe in this combat.
We need you to take charge of these guns and take the battle to the Japanese aircrafts. You need to defend the naval warship from attacks, securing the supplies till we reach the island borders. But, the battle won’t be over, even after securing the warship to the islands. These are uncharted territories, the Japanese can attack us aerially. Stay on your toes and thwart a message surge by the enemy, as they will be eying to destroy the water tanks supply to cut us off completely
Engage in destructive combat against the aerial fighter planes, which are equipped with deadly weapons to sink your naval warship to the last extreme. Control the anti-aircraft guns and blaze the enemy in the air, before they launch extreme attacks to take you down.
Play through 5 levels of extreme gunner action, defending your naval warship until reaching the island base. The final mission will be a survival combat, where player will have to survive a massive ambush, securing both the warship and the supplies already present on the island.
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