Our latest theme, Keyboard Gallery Neon, is now out and ready to download!
- Follow the 3 easy steps to install: open it after downloading, press 'Set as Active Theme' and select the theme from the following page!
- The amazing HD screenshots we added will convince you this is a must download theme!
- This theme uses GO Keyboard, so if you don't have it already on your phone, it will assist you by opening a download page!
- We added 48 different language translations for the theme's menus, because we wanted this to be a pleasant and accessible experience for you!
Download Keyboard Gallery Neon and be prepared to be blown away by the electric nuances of green and blue, put together by our incredibly talented creative team, especially for you!
If you enjoyed this, RATE and COMMENT after you install, your opinion is very important to us! If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us at tmestudio1@gmail.com.
This theme uses a free font which can be found at http://fontfabric.com/lovelo-font/ and graphic elements from
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