Our designer team just released a new innovative theme: CARDBOARD SCULPTURE KEYBOARD! DOWNLOAD Cardboard Sculpture Keyboard NOW and customize your display appearance with these ancient looking graphics!
- To install, follow these three simple steps: open after download, press "Set Active Theme" and select the theme from the following page!
- The incredible HD screenshots we prepared will convince you this is a must download theme!
- This theme uses GO Keyboard, so if you do not have it installed, you will be redirected to a download page!
- For your comfort, the menus for this theme come with 48 different language translations!
If you liked our theme, take the time to RATE and COMMENT! Also, contact us at [email protected] with any suggestions or questions you have and keep visiting to check out all our latest surprises!
This theme uses a free font which can be found at http://fontfabric.com/intro-free-font/ and free graphic elements which can be found at http://www.brusheezy.com/textures/20704-cardboard-01 and http://www.flickr.com/photos/oskay/3634736043/sizes/o/in/photostream/
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