This an UNOFFICIAL Source port of the Quake 3 engine by Beloko Games
This version does NOT contain the full 'Quake 3 Arena' game data!
If you wish to play the full version, you need to have the game file and copy it to your Android device.
This file is:
PAK0.PK3 (470MB)
Quake 3 Arena is available to buy from Steam.
Please contact support if you're unclear as to the meaning of this.
NO RISK PURCHASE - As with all my apps, this has full money-back guarantee at ANY time.
This is the best port of Quake 3 Arena to Android! Featuring the latest ioquake3 code. Adapted from Pandora port by ptitSeb.
It will also play the awesome and FREE Open Arena.
Remember, Quake 3 Arena is all about multiplayer. But there is a single player mode playing against bots.
Internet play does seem to work on some servers, but this is not guaranteed with this app.
For most fun Quake 3 Arena and Open Arena should be played against friends on your local area network (LAN)!
It features the best highly customisable controls available for any FPS.
Fully customize touch screen controls:
*Move all game buttons
*Analog move and strafe
*Resize all game buttons
*Change sensitivity for all analog inputs
*Mouse mode or Joystick mode to turn
*Invert look up/down
*Optional double tap to Jump/Shoot
*Change controls transparency
*Map volume buttons to any game action
* Full access to game console.
Please note: This game requires a reasonably powerful device.
The app will download 25MB of extra data on first launch of full game.
Remember, you need to copy the Quake data files to: /sdcard/Beloko/Quake3/FULL/baseq3
What's New
*Added Weapon Wheel (press centre of screen)
*Move other touch screen controls
*Removed unused OpenSSL lib, requirement by Google
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