Get ready for a magical makeover with Enchanted Fairy Spa treatments! Use 12 magical instruments to transform your fairy into the most beautiful fairy of them all! Mirror, mirror on the wall-- check out the magic mirror and mesmerizing spell in this enchanted app!
These Fairies Need Your Help!
Choose from four enchanted, adorable pixies who need your makeover and spa help! All of these pixies were cursed and it’s up to you to heal them! Was she turned into stone? You can use magic spells to make her skin soft again. Is it a poison apple? Use the magic mirror to find it and pull it out! This fairy needs your makeover help and you will get all the enchanted tools you need! You can even make perfume using magic makeover potion as your ingredients! This fun spa app puts the pixies’ enchanted good looks in your hands!
Make Them Shine And Keep Them Pretty!
As you’re curing these pixies using your magic makeover spells and spa instruments, you can also keep them pretty! Get rid of their wrinkles, spritz them with perfume (that you can make in a fun mini-game!), pop their yucky pimples, and more in the spa! This app will allow you to totally take care of your pixie and take her from drab to fab!
> Heal the cursed fairies while using spa instruments to keep them pretty!
> Click to make perfume using magic potions in a super fun mini-game
> Drag new clothes over to your fairy to change her outfit!
What's inside:
> 4 fairies to choose from!
> 6 ways to care for your fairy in the spa kit including hair care, puffy eye treatment and perfume maker mini-game.
> 6 awesome and magical instruments such as: A magical mirror reveals poisoned apple & Magic spell turn stone to soft skin are available in the pro spa kit!
> 16 different outfits for your fairy to wear!
> 16 different waxing strips!
> 16 different eye treatments!
> 8 different magic potions to put into the perfume!
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