Get the Priceline app for Android to save big with our last minute hotel deals, cheap rental cars and flights.
*NEW* Try Express Deals® for Rental Cars and Flights to get the lowest price!
Rated by Travel + Leisure as the Top App for travel deals.
Book anytime, anywhere with over 800,000 hotels and thousands of rental cars and flights. Score mobile-exclusive deals, even on last minute bookings. Save up to 60% on hotel Express Deals®, and even more when you Name Your Own Price®.
• Advanced filters help you refine and personalize your search
• Google Maps, high quality photos and verified guest reviews help you discover the best hotels
• Get the cheapest price, save up to 60% by booking an Express Deal
• Book Tonight Only Deals for last minute hotel reservations and save up to 40%
• Score cheap tickets for domestic and international flights
• Express Deals® for flights can help you get deep discounts on last minute airline tickets
• Search airports by name, city, airport code or proximity
• Sort by price, stops, duration or airline
• Easily book domestic tickets for children or infants
Rental Cars
• Search and reserve thousands of rental cars and get the deal you need in record time
• Big discounts and cheap prices on rental car Express Deals® for last minute reservations
Priceline on-the-go
• Get important reservation and travel information right on your phone, even if you booked on your computer.
• Don't see your upcoming travel plans? Look up your reservation by trip number and we'll add the itinerary to
My Trips
• Sign in for faster checkout and quick access to all of your upcoming reservations
• Quickly book your trip using Google Wallet
Priceline app for Android wear!
Whether you forgot your toothbrush or just want to explore the area, priceline for Android wear makes it easy to find local places near your hotel, right from your wrist.
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