The best thing about the app? Instant confirmation, paperless check-in and offline maps, every time you book an accommodation.
Search for a place to stay
- With 1,000,000+ properties – we’re everywhere you travel
- Want to stay in an apartment, budget accommodation, b&b or rent a villa? We’ve got those too!
- Looking for a last-minute hotel reservation? Book most without a credit card!
- Search by city, landmark, hotel name or properties close by in one tap
- Filter by WiFi, price, review score and other things important to you
Get great hotel deals
- Browse 52 million verified guest reviews to help you pick your perfect stay
- Location location location! View maps to make sure your hotel is where you want to be
- Save your favorite properties to a list and share with friends and family
- Find great deals at all kinds of amazing properties (not just cheap hotels!)
Book it!
- Sign into your account and we’ll auto-fill your details for faster booking
Make changes, anytime
- Get paperless confirmation and offline maps with the app! No printer, data or wifi needed
- Add hotel bookings to your calendar for multi-leg trips
- Make changes to your bookings online with the app
- Access 24/7 customer service by phone or email, available in English and up to 40 other languages.
Already use
- Sign in to your and pick up where you left off; we sync your bookings, searches and lists to the app
- No account? No problem. You can still sync your booking with the app. Go to the account area and use the Booking Number and PIN from your confirmation
Download the App now!
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