Echo supports the latest version of WhatsApp. Please upgrade WhatsApp for the messages to parse correctly
Instead of browsing through dozens of unnecessary messages, Echo automatically filters your notifications and delivers the most important alerts straight to your lock screen.
★ Minimal and lightweight - Clean lock screen replacement. Minimal effect on your battery
★ Actionable detailed notifications - Tap to open the app, swipe left to dismiss
★ Organized - Group your notifications into priority, social, media, and work
★ Avoid interruptions - Echo only wakes your screen on priority messages
★ Create reminders - Missed call at work? Set a notification to bounce back the call alert at a later time or place
★ Secure - Custom lockscreen options to secure your phone
Download Echo lockscreen and see how much better your phone can be!
? Help translate Echo lockscreen:
? Bugs or feature requests? Email [email protected].
? Google Plus:
? Twitter: @echolocker
? Works with custom launchers like Go Launcher, Yahoo Aviate Launcher, and Launcher. Receive Google L style notifications with Echo lock screen.
? Show or hide notifications from your favorite apps like Whatsapp, Hangouts, Gmail, and Pinterest.
? Echo locker is very easy to install. It is not a widget like NiLs lockscreen or DashClock lock screen. You do not need to change your launcher settings like Go Locker or Locker Master. Echo requires no custom setup and replaces your entire lock screen.
? Customize your lockscreen notification categories and wallpapers.
What's New
v1.5.2.463 Bug fixes (details within the app)
- Enjoy NiLS on your language - German, Spanish, French, Italian and Polish
- Improved animations and many bug fixes
- Improved privacy options
New features (Android 4.3+):
- Full Gmail content and action buttons for every email
- Quickly reply a message without unlocking device on Hangouts, WhatsApp, Textra and many other apps.
- Conversation Mode - Group notifications by conversation for WhatsApp, Telegram and few more apps
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