160 million global users! Serviced in 237 countries with 67 languages!
Almighty messenger ChatON!
Not only Android phone and iPhone,
Chat free with Windows mobile and BlackBerry friends.
Chat even without mobile devices!
Without any download, you can chat through PC Web.
[Why ChatON?]
★ SMS/MMS merge
- Check SMS/MMS all at once. You can reply through a pop-up window while using other applications.
- Serviced countries: Brazil, Germany, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia
★ Fun & cute anicons
- Say no more♪ Express your feeling with just one anicon from the renewed ChatON Shop.
★ Translation
- Have butterflies speaking in foreign languages? Don't worry anymore! Feel free to talk to foreign friends with ChatON.
- Supported languages: Korean/Chinese/Japanese/English → translated into each language, German/Russian/French/Spanish/Italian/Portuguese → translated into English and vice versa.
★ Broadcast
- Send a message just one time when you want to send the same message to many different people! (Up to 200 people)
★ Multimedia file sharing
- In addition to sending video and image files, you can share voice, locations, contacts, schedules, and even document files.
[Enjoy ChatON]
★ Voice/Video calls are all free!
★ Send a special hand-written message and moving animessage.
★ Enjoy SNS through PostON! Write comments on locations/videos/images from friends.
★ Useful contents and tips by subscribing LIVE
※ SMS/MMS functions may not work on some devices or with some carriers.
※ Without a Wi-Fi connection, you may incur data network fees depending on your data plan.
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