Meet new people and make new friends with Frim, you can find people with common interests in your area or just chat with some strangers from other countries. We have no paid subscriptions, so you can use main features for FREE.
Chat, flirt, make new friends and maybe date with someone. It?s up to you!
Now we have more than 20 million members from all over the world.
Frim has various features specially for you:
Want to find friends in different countries? Use Megaphone to post on public chats!
Megaphone works like a public local chat in every country and big cities.
Do you love to chat a lot? Use hilarious stickers and emojis to express yourself!
You can send photos, text messages and stickers.
Want to make people happy? Send lovely gifts for friends, someone special or beloved!
We have collections of gifts for special events.
Want to express yourself or tell friends about your hobby? Add special badges to your profile photo.
★ Features:
Look for new people using the search engine
Add friends from contact list
Send free messages (text, voice messages, photo, emojis)
Post to Megaphone
Different colourful and funny masks to your photos
Gifts, stickers and badges
Self-distruct messages in chats
Frim is very friendly and easy to use. Download the app, register, create a profile, add your photos (up to 5), search new people and chat for free. You can send text messages, photos, funny images. You are always notified when someone visits your profile. And you can block people if you don?t like them.
You can find new friends and chat with them absolutely for free, there are no subscriptions, no limits ?VIP only?. Every member of Frim is always available to you.
If you have any questions or suggestion please contact us.
To find new friends and chat on your Windows PC, please visit and download Frim desktop app.
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