!!!!!!!READ ME FIRST!!!!!!!
Purple, Shiny and very Glassy theme for GO Launcher EX... the best launcher out! Don't forget my other themes for GO Launcher. I made this theme because it was requested several times and it looks perfect with the honey comb clock
49 custom icons (and counting).
1 Purple, shiny and glassy icon tile theme (with a chrome border.
4 "Purpley" backgrounds.
App drawer is transparent and Tabs have been redone in to Purple glass. Oh and the light switch is animated when you press it.
The clock is "Honeycomb Clock FREE" it in the market
!!!Important having trouble getting Go Launcher as your default home app download "Home Switcher" from the market this will allow you to easily switch to Go Launcher as your default home app!!!
once Go Launchers is installed goto menu>preferences>theme preferences> and the scroll till you see "Purple Glass" click and apply.
!!!PLEASE leave me a comment tell me whats wrong or give me some suggestions for a new theme. Am I missing an icon, icon you would like, drop me an email!!!!
Icons not themed switch to another theme and then back to "Purple Glass".
Download Purple Glass Go Launcher Theme 1.0 APK Android Theme for free to your Android phone
Download Theme (APK)
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