Rose are red, violets are blue" Impress your honey on Valentine’s Day with your knowledge of all things rose floral and also a cute LWP, live wallpaper.
- Roses flower are valued for their romantic symbolism but their blooms are also edible. flowers, card
- The rose family also includes pears, apples, cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, and almonds.
- The rose is named as the favorite flower of 85% of Americans. daisy, rose, floating
- George Washington bred roses at his home. Apparently, pruning roses came naturally to him.
- A fossilized rose - over 35 million years old - was found in Florissant, Colorado.
- Rose hips contain more Vitamin C than any other fruit or vegetable.
- Mythology says that roses grew thorns when Cupid accidentally shot an arrow into a rose garden.
- The oldest rose in the world has flourished for over 1,000 years on the wall of Hildesheim Cathedral in Germany. depicting, romantic
- On Valentine's Day in 2010, a whopping 198 million roses were sold in the United States. 59% of them were red. rosas de amor, girly
- Just in time for Valentine's Day, rose prices typically jump 42% in February.
- Roses have been long used as symbols in a number of societies. Roses are ancient symbols of love and beauty. "Rose" means pink or red in a variety of language. glitter, mood, love roses
- The rose is traditionally the flower of love. familia semilla, girlie. The flowers have been used since ancient times to represent love and passion. In Greek and Roman mythology, the rose was used as a symbol of Venus and Aphrodite, the goddesses of love.
- Red roses have been a continuous source of inspiration for artists everywhere and thousands of paintings and poems have been written nspired by roses or by a single red rose. It has been said that a single red rose speaks volumes.
- The rose is commonly used as a cut flower or as an ingredient in perfume. These flowers originate in Asia, although some come from the United States and Europe. There are many different varieties of roses. They vary in colour and size and are very popular throughout the world.
- There are more than 15,000 different types of rose species and cultivated varieties worldwide.
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