Baby Learns Vegetables is one of the series of Baby Bus software application. This is an enlightenment education software for 0 years old to 6 years old baby, designed to make the 0-6 year-old baby play with easy to use tools and to achieve better understanding of vegetables. Our product contains so many beautiful and lovely pictures,giving babies a special way of learning. Your baby will fall in love with this kind of simple and cognitive game. Congratulations to Baby Bus! The number of users has exceeded 8 millions. We changed the original dubbing and we are using more authentic American English 、Chinese and Japanese dubbing. The sound is more clear. Tips:In the search bar,enter "sinyee"or "Baby Bus",you can find all of our products.Click "Go" to enter this application. Sinyee Information Co, LTD. is dedicated to providing quality software development for the worlds preschool education needs. You are welcome to contact us at: [email protected] Microblogging: Official website:
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