Trump Wall needs to be built ahead of schedule and under (Mexican) budget.
Be quick and vigilant! Work on wall is progressing at breakneck speed, lightweight builders are getting stumped!
Don't embarrass Trump the future God Emperor and build the wall nice and HUUUUGE!
Collect 26 characters featuring Bernie, Obama, Hillary or a Vladimir Putin riding a bear!
Share and challenge your friends - who is the most deplorable wall builder among the squad?
Have any problems or suggestions? You can reach us at [email protected]
The game require access to the following permissions:
- Read device state and identity - READ_PHONE_STATE permission
- The game requires the LOCATION permission to target and deliver video-based advertising:
The game implements opt-in video ads that players can watch to earn free coins if they choose. Watching video ads is voluntary if players want to speed up the rate they earn coins to win new characters. We require the Location permission to provide location based video ads to provide more relevant ads to players.
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