Challenge your memory, compete your intelligence, ignite your music passion. SongTalent is the first Russian song game. In SongTalent you guess correctly your favoriate Russian songs and get rewarded with gold coins. Beat your friedns and all other players and be the first to guess all songs. Players Click on the letter, the letter will be shown in the blank answer box. Click on the letter in the answer box, the letter will go back to the option area. If the answer is wrong, the letter will be highlightened in red. If the answer is correct, click on Next, continue to next quiz.
In Song Talent, the most direct way to get gold is to answer quiz. Each correct answer will reward you three gold coins. But if you either want to get rid of a wrong letter in the option area or obtain a correct letter hint, lots of gold will be consumed.
Song Talent not only provides players the chance to invite friends, but also to ask friends for help. In Song Talent, your talent speaks for itself, the wisdom of the masses are drew together. Who is a music talent, guess it out!
For latest activity, please follow up closely our official facebook fanpage: SongTalent"
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