Pool, Snooker, Billiards, Carrom, Crokinole in full 3D. Play pool online, against computer or pass-n-play. Includes: US 8 Ball Pool UK 8 Ball Pool 9 Ball Pool Straight Pool Pool Drill Regular Snooker Snooker 6-Reds Snooker 10-Reds Carrom (3 table styles) Crokinole Pool Break lets you enjoy realistic Pool physics and immersive 3D graphics. Many customizations are available. There is an optional freeze workaround included that may fix freezing on certain phones. This option may be disabled via Pool Break's Settings. Pool Break now includes Online Chat that may be enabled or disabled or restricted to private networks anytime within the game. The messages are limited 150 characters per message. One Pocket Pool will be added soon!! WHAT'S NEW: V1.7.6 New game mode: Just Place-n-Shoot Compatibility changes to support gameplay against iPhone/iPad version (to be released soon) Pool Break Pro (Carrom 3D) V1.7.6 for Android
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