Helps its an emergency..!!! Its time to save adorable babies from fire, kids should know about first aid treatments its helps them in any emergency.
Here GamiMax has arrived with fantastic kids game "First Aid Treatment for Burning" kids will know how to treat minor burns through this game. At the beginning of game players have to stop the flame in the kitchen and help the baby, carry her outside the home & start to give her burning treatment. Use given burning treatment tools and give her treatment properly.
~~>> How to play?
- Remove baby from heat source
- Remove the burnt clothing
- Run cool water over burnt area
- Lightly clean the injured area
- Apply anti biotic cream over affected area
- Use a given germ-free bandage to cover burns
~~>> Features:
- Adorable babies to choose
- Fire Extinguishers to stop the flam
- Basic burn treatment medical tools like oxygen mask, anti-biotic cream,
- Seasor, injection, bandages & more
- Design with beautiful graphics
- Smooth gameplay
Download this addictive and teach kids about first aid treatment for burning.
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