US-style crossword puzzles galore for your coffee break.
480 professional casual-level crosswords suitable for all.
This game has Google in-app billing, so you get:
- 42 free puzzles
- 8 paid-for packs, each with 55 extra puzzles
- 'Buy all packs' option offering a great discount
- no adverts
- optional keyboard colours
- extra preferences (jump letters, grey out completed clues, etc)
- US style, like New York Times (NYT), with no hanging letters
- great to play on tablets
- pinch zooming grid
- clue list view
- cheats, highlight mistakes and answer checking
- high resolution tablets supported
- 3 keyboard choices
Permissions used:
- INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE let us check which puzzles are the most popular
- BILLING allows us to offer the puzzle packs for sale.
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