Shows the art of dress, it explains that dressing is not only about the beautiful, and tidy appearance, but also that clothing must fit appropriately and adornment style should be coordinated, in fact, it contains the problem of the relationship between clothing and human health, which is the main subject of Baby show, uses four different scenes of the four seasons as a background, rationally matches clothing, let babies really learn how to get dressed. Every baby is born a designer, so just move, and get the baby bear well dressed. Pay attention and do not put on the wrong clothes, otherwise the Baby Bear would be sniveling! Lovely and playful underwear, fine fashion jewelry are really beautiful. Babies can also take pictures of their own works and share them with others on social networks, lets see Whose Baby Bear is the most Personalized. Come on kids just give it a shot! Congratulations to Baby Bus! The number of users has exceeded 8 millions. We changed the original dubbing and we are using more authentic American English 、Chinese and Japanese dubbing. The sound is more clear. Tips:In the search bar,enter "sinyee"or "Baby Bus",you can find all of our products.Click "Go" to enter this application. Sinyee Information Co, LTD. is dedicated to providing quality software development for the worlds preschool education needs. You are welcome to contact us at: [email protected] Microblogging: Official website:
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