This is a turn based strategy game with 140-150 maps, it is not pretty, no fancy animations, this is pure gameplay oriented turn based strategy.
NEW(!): FORUM opened for the game! (check it in the game or here:
GEMS: DRAW a few user/fan MAPS and you will have any gems in return (see forum/faq how to draw maps)!
- 105 Campaign maps (historical ones too! eg: Battle of Troy and so on)
- 40 random maps
- more than 70 unit types
- more than 25 technologies to invent
- multiplayer game (with option to coop against AI-s)
- rewarding systems: collecting stars, collecting gems for unlocking new unit/building types
JOIN the playing of the MULTIPLAYER MODE! It is fully functional!
UNIT REQUESTS: there are many requests for new units and unique units (eg. historical heroes), I am pretty open to this since it is pretty easy to setup a new unit. The things I need: graphics + unit properties + and the map name it should be on, If you request a unit and you can give me these than it will be in within 30 minutes :)
Actually what i am mostly low of: graphical abilities, so the graphics (32x32 unit icons) are the biggest help for me, and for a new unit!
If u install it
- be kind with the rating, since this app is in the middle of growing
- feel free to send me any suggestions on any part of the game (gameplay, units, unit-properties, new unit suggestions, graphics)
- If u would like to take part in creating this game (eg. graphics, translation, ideas) send me an email.
What to do:
1. Create a game (select map, set colors, players, teams)
1.1. OR start a Campaign
2. play it
5. send me suggestions.
Have fun!
What's New
New: 100% translation to Portugese, Thanks to TauĆ£!
Change: Catapult ship with new look
Change: Immediate "your turn" notifications in multiplayer games (GCM)
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