YouMail is an automated virtual receptionist that stops robocalls, delights missed callers, makes conference calls effortless, and even improves upon your existing visual voicemail and voicemail to text by adding voicemail to e-mail, a bigger mailbox, and visual voicemail on your phone, tablet, or computer.. So far, YouMail has answered over 5 billion calls from nearly half the phones in America!
YouMail is 100% free and works by replacing your existing carrier Visual Voicemail. It:
- STOPS ROBOCALLERS and TELEMARKETERS from harassing you by playing them a “Number Out of Service” greeting. This takes you off their lists and stops them from calling you from ANY number they use, not just the number they originally called from. No need to block calls one at a time on your phone.
- DELIGHTS CALLERS by greeting callers by name or customized greeting, responding instantly with an automated TXT/SMS with a link to your digital business card, and automatically collecting their contact info. Now callers that matter no longer feel they’ve fallen into a voicemail black hole.
- Provides truly EFFORTLESS CONFERENCE CALLS. To have a conference call, just tell people to call your cell and press 8, and you tap to join. No funny numbers. No pins. Callers are announced by name automatically on entry and exit, without having to record anything, and a call summary is automatically emailed at the end.
- Includes an AWARD-WINNING VISUAL VOICEMAIL service. Get a bigger inbox than your carrier provides, with messages stored permanently and accessible on any device. Also get voicemail to e-mail, voicemail to text so you can read your voicemail, missed caller identification so you always know who called, the ability to forward and reply to voicemail by e-mail to TXT/SMS, and access to a huge selection of free pre-recorded greetings.
Optional features extends the service's virtual receptionist features significantly:
- BUSINESS SMART GREETINGS greet them by name and a fully professional recorded greetings including your full name and business name.
- LIVE CONNECT lets caller press 0 to get connected to your business partner, assistant, or another phone. There’s even more advanced call routing features with full PBX extensions and find-me follow-me functionality.
- Expanded AUTOMATIC REPLIES provide a full mobile landing page to give callers even more information about you and your services.
- CONFERENCE CALL RECORDING provides effortless shareable recordings of all your conference calls, while automatically informing participants the calls are being recorded. Plus, any time you want to record a call, just have the caller press 8 to enter your conference room.
- PRIVACY GUARD forces blocked or unknown callers to reveal their number to leave you messages.
- EXTRA LINE provides an extra phone number you can give out to protect your privacy.
- AUTO-FORWARDING automatically copies messages to others under the conditions you specify.
This is a MUST-HAVE service for small business professionals who rely on their phone for new business. Let YouMail help manage your calls while you focus on talking to customers and prospects.
• NOT COMPATIBLE with some prepaid mobile plans or Google Voice.
• COMPATIBLE with: AT&T voicemail, Sprint voicemail, T-Mobile voicemail, Verizon voicemail and many more!
• Sign up for FREE to see if YouMail works with your carrier.
• Only works with carriers in the US and Canada.
• YouMail is not tested on Cyanogen – use at your own discretion
• To use YouMail, you must forward missed calls to YouMail with carrier-specific forwarding codes.
• If YouMail doesn’t fit your needs, deactivate forwarding BEFORE you delete the app, otherwise your voicemail will NOT be re-routed back to your carrier.
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