Xmodgames provides best free mods for: COC,BBeach,MCPE,COK,Castle,COLord2,Subway,King's Saga,Simulation Games and many more .you can use accelerator, SandBox Attack, Keep Active with Xmod.
★ Featured Mods
1. Search Loot: Gold, Elixir, Dark Elixir, Trophy, Town hall level Search While Attacking, Townhall near Edge(PS:it doesnt mean you can get free Gold or other,this feature is for searching your target clan)
2. SandBox Attack (Simulate Attack) and Sandbox from Replay:
3. you can Set 【Own Troops】【Target's CC Troops】【Castle Troop】【Spells】【My Heroes】【Target's Heroes】
4. Real Time Traps
5. Dead Base Search & Save Perfect layout
1. Auto Train
2. Auto Collect Resource
3. Auto Alliance Help
4. Auto Harbour Gifts
5. Keep Active
6. Skip FREE Building
1. Advanced Simulate Attack:【Magma Statue Simulate】【Infinite Statue Simulation】【Show Diving】【Set Energy】【Set My Troops】
2. Simulate Attack
3. Simulate Statues Building
4. Keep Active
☆Castle :
1. Auto Collect Daily Awards
2. Barrack Assist
3. Team Search Switch
1. Zoom Out
2. Change Skin
3. Random Skin
4. Rainbow Mod
5. Black & White Classic!
6. No Color
7. No Grid
★ Supported languages:
Available in English (UK and US),English, Português(Brasil),Pусский, Español,Bahasa Indonesia
Learn more about Xmod, please visit our official website:http://www.xmodgames.com/
★ Do not work?
●You have to grant root permission to XMG in root access management tool like SuperSU before launch the mod. Then please kill the app and relaunch till it works.
●Rooted Android Devices
→How To Root:http://www.xmodgames.com/root
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