Speak with the cool three-headed dragon he will answer with his funny voice or react to your touch.
Discover the magical, enchanted, funny world of this crazy dragon!
★★★Features: ★★★
✔ Cool 3D graphics with high quality
✔ Spoken-Interaction/-Animations
✔ 3 talking heads
✔ He repeats what you say
✔ Hammer game inside
✔ Lighter modus (flames react like real ones)
✔ He can dance to different styles of music (heavy metal with long black hair, blues with cool glasses and hats, pop with funny hats, dancing with strobe effect, hip-hop with gold jewelry / bling bling, etc.)
✔ You can dress him up in different ways (funny clothes: bra, negligee, skirt, dresses)
✔ He becomes ensorcelled (various funny animations: blue tongues, green skin with red spots, squirrel on the head and shrinking)
✔ There are many backgrounds available, which you are able to choose as it pleases you.
✔ He can imitate animal sounds (dog, cat, cow, lion, horse, pig, chicken, etc.)
✔ And much more like: fart, sneeze fire; strike around with its tail, etc.
Tap on one of the dragon heads, his body and on all the different buttons to find out more about this mighty creatureÂ’s personality. You will probably not imagine such an amazing beast even in your dreams.
Overall, he is a very funny guy who does not always agree with himself, sometimes does comical grimaces and laughs.
This is a hot app that offers endless entertainment and laughter for everybody! It offers children of all ages a lot of fun and especially girls will love it.
This is a free app - have fun with it!
Optimized for Android phones:
- HTC EVO, One and Desire
- Verizon Motorola Droid Pro
- T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S2 and S3
- Sony Ericsson Xperia
- Nexus
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