Surah Yusuf (Story of prophet yusuf) [English, Urdu, Maly]:
“Surah Yusuf???( Joseph) was revealed all at once unlike other Surahs and is unique in this way. Unlike other prophets’s stories mentioned in the Quran, the prophet Yusuf's story is only mentioned in this specific Surat. Usually, the Surahs in the Quran hold several themes in one passage, but Surah Yusuf holds one central theme. It’s all about Prophet Yusuf. It focuses on the main timeline, and is a continuous story, put together in chronological order. With text covering fifteen pages, this story is a distinct excerpt from the Quran, and holds many valuable themes and lessons
Firstly, it is the only place in the Qur’an where the story of the Prophet Yusuf (‘alayhi salaam) is mentioned. No other surah mentions the story of the Prophet Yusuf (‘alayhi salaam). If you compare this to, let’s say, the story of the Prophet Musa (‘alayhi salaam), the story of Prophet Musa is mentioned in over 25 different locations. The story of our father Adam (‘alayhi salaam) is mentioned in over half a dozen locations. The story of ‘Isa (‘alayhi salaam) is mentioned almost a dozen times. The story of the Prophet Yusuf (‘alayhi salaam) only exists in this surah. In fact, even the name of the Prophet Yusuf occurs only once or twice in passing in Surah Al-An‘ām and Surah Ghaafir, but there is no story at all
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