Most of the Android smartphones in the market today are well manufactured and enhanced to handle multiple tasks at the same time. But what most phones usually lack is the ability to keep up the performance over long periods of time due to constant low memory.
The usual cause for this slowdown is the amount of occupied RAM and cache memory of installed apps and background and persistent running applications.
RAM Booster – Cache Cleaner is a smart and easy to use tool for enhancing devices performance by killing background running tasks and rebooting system resources. It uses a simple functionality of restarting system apps that slowly build up phone cache memory and killing backgrounds apps that the system itself cannot kill.
New Key Features
✔ Widgets
✔ History Cleaner
✔ Material Design
✔ Lollipop Compatible
✔ List view of all background running apps and system task cache
✔ One touch task killer for memory hogging applications
✔ Detailed data on free and occupied memory on mobile
✔ Selection option to restart or clean cache from desired processes
More from The App Rain
Our developers at The App Rain are continuously working hard on producing quality applications for Android users. Stay tuned at our developer page on Google Play Store for more smart and advanced tools.
Our current projects in work:
Smart Auto Call Recorder – Automatic Call Recorder
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