Promo Codes is a service built to offer developers a place to advertise their high quality apps, in exchange for offering users a chance to win it for free!
Every 12 hours you'll be shown a random app from our high quality, curated selection. If you're lucky, there's a small chance you'll be able to get it for free! If you're not lucky, you've hopefully discovered a high quality app that you may want to buy/download anyway.
If you want to find high quality apps and support developers whilst also having chance to win the odd app for free, you should definitely download Promo Codes!
The chances of winning are low, but fair. This app has been designed with the intention of being used over long periods of time, where you will eventually win, but it's statistically unlikely that you'll win in the first few days.
If you're expecting to win often, you're wasting your time downloading Promo Codes.
If you'd like to see your app promoted within Promo Codes, send me an email at promocodes@underwoodapps . com
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