Looking for the most accurate Wind Forecast on the web?
Trust the world leader ? PredictWind
? Highest resolution on the web.
? Choice of top sailors and wind experts.
? Incredible detail with tables, graphs and maps.
? Zoom in on high resolution forecast maps.
Incredibly powerful tools:
? Weather Routing: showing you the fastest route with wind conditions.
? Trip Planner: showing you the best day for departure.
? Observations: real time live observations with graphs.
? Forecast Alerts: get notified of the conditions that matter to you.
? GPS Tracking: lets friends & family view your position and track.
? Continued use of GPS running in the background using the Boat Tracking tool can dramatically decrease battery life. However this feature can be enabled and disabled as desired.
? App requires registration for saving and syncing forecast locations so you can view the forecasts on the web, and other devices.
? Free accounts do have access to a 7 day forecast at 1km/8km resolution. You can upgrade with an In-App purchase for full access to the powerful tools listed above.
Visit our homepage at www.predictwind.com
Contact us at ​[email protected] for any problems you may have with this App
"This is a brilliant app! It gives you accurate wind information in your pocket. Very fast and easy to use. We use it constantly at Sail-World.com" - Sail-World.com
"I have been very impressed, and now count a trip to the PredictWind.com web site as a regular part of my pre-race prep... no matter whether I'm buoy racing in San Francisco Bay or sailing in an offshore race across the Baltic Sea." - Peter Isler - Two-time America's Cup Winner
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