PodOmatic hosts the world's largest community of independent Podcasters and DJ's, with over 4,000,000 episodes and mixes published. The PodOmatic Podcast Player allows you to tap into the best in Music and Talk shows, and puts your favorite content at your fingertips, wherever you are.
From House Music to Comedy to Politics to Technology, there is something for everyone on PodOmatic.
Key Features:
• Quick Discovery - Find great content the moment you open the app.
• What's Hot - The most popular shows on PodOmatic, all at your fingertips
• Facebook Friends - Now you can connect with your Facebook Friends who are also on PodOmatic and see what they are listening to
• Sharing - With one click, tell your friends about the great shows you've found
• Preview - Looking through so much content can be tough, but we give you a sneak peak and make it easier!
• Track your favorite shows, create playlists and never miss an episode
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