Find available tables, make bookings instantly and discover restaurants with toptable for Android. With over 4,000 bookable restaurants in the UK, toptable helps you spend less time waiting and more time enjoying your meal.
Find restaurants near you – or wherever you’re headed
- Search by location, date, time and party size.
- See what’s available in real-time – on a list or a map.
Refine your search results
- Sort restaurants by distance, name or star ratings.
- Filter by price, special offers, favourite locations and cuisines.
- Find special offers - 50% off, 2-for-1’s, set menus and more.
Check out menus, photos & trusted reviews
- Read helpful reviews – all reviews are from restaurant guests who have booked & dined there.
- View restaurant menus and photos of top dishes.
Instantly book your table
- Pick a restaurant, tap the time you want and the table is yours.
- Include special requests, like “It’s our anniversary!??? or “I’m allergic to nuts???.
Invite friends to dinner & stay on top of plans
- Send toptable invitations to anyone from your mobile.
- Add bookings to your calendar. Change of plans? Update bookings in the app.
Dine out, get rewarded
- Earn points with every booking – like airline miles for dining out.
- Redeem points for dining cheques, which are accepted at most toptable restaurants.
We’d love to hear from you – If you need help or have suggestions on how we can improve our app, let us know at
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