Oldify by Apptly. Ever wondered what you'll look like when you're old? Find out with Oldify!
"It's the perfect way to confront your own mortality during the springtime of your life!" - HUFFINGTON POST
(also seen on IntoMobile, AND Bloomberg Businessweek)
Take a photo of yourself (or friends!) and Oldify ages your face to look 60 - 80 years older. Your old-self even comes to LIFE. Tap your ancient face to see yourself blink, sigh, yawn cough and more!
Share your photos via MMS, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Email.
See YOUR future.
It’s hilarious :)
See the #BestofOldify on Instagram & Twitter: @apptly
(NEW features and apps coming to Android soon)
Note: Oldify is meant to make you laugh and/or giggle, and should be used purely for entertainment. Enjoy!
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