Over 100 Million items have been traded for free on Listia - check out all the FREE items other people are giving away!
Listia is the best mobile garage and yard sale that lets you exchange things you don't need for stuff actually want, all for FREE. Earn credits by listing things you don't use, and turn those credits into stuff you'll love, like Jewelry, Electronics, Clothing, Gadgets, Books, Toys, Gift Cards, Games and Coins. The more you give and sell, the more free things you can buy without spending money.
How It Works:
1) Declutter - Sell all the things you don't use - from DVDs to Cell Phones, for free, like a mobile craigslist, yard sale or garage sale!
2) Earn Credits - Rack up credits when others buy your listings.
3) Reward Yourself - Discover and get stuff you'll love from other members or the Listia Rewards Store!
The mobile app makes it a snap to create auctions. Simply take a photo with your device, add some details, and post it to Listia instantly. The Listia app will show you what nearby users are trading, let you buy and bid on things you want, and notify you when you're outbid or an item you want is ending.
Instead of listing things in the free section of craigslist or selling at a local garage or yard sale, give Listia a try and see all the cool things you can get!
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