An app launcher with parental controls & child lock that protects your personal data and restricts kids to apps you have approved. Kids Place also prevents children from downloading new apps, making phone calls, texting or performing other actions that can cost you money. Includes convenience features for parents such as auto app restart, useful for small kids who accidentally exit launched apps. With Kids Place app, kids gets fun time and parents can get some much needed peace and free time.
★ Custom home screen displays only apps that parents have authorized
★ Can prevent children from buying or downloading new apps
★ Timer feature to lock Kids Place after specified amount of time.
★ Support Multiple User Profiles.
★ Capable of blocking incoming calls when Kids Place is running
★ Capable of disabling all wireless signals while Kids Place is running to avoid exposure to cell phone, wifi and Bluetooth radiation
★ Can restarts apps accidentally stopped by small children, allowing parents to stay focused on their own tasks.
★ Add custom wallpaper to customize your child’s experience while in Kids Place
★ Appropriate for children of all ages - babies, toddlers, even teenagers
In this child friendly Parental Control app, Home; Back; Search and Call buttons are locked so that kid cannot get out of the Kids Place or make phone calls.
Permission Explanations:
★ Internet Access/ Network State: Used only for Google Analytics library. Very minimal data transferred.
★ Phone Call – Only to detect incoming phone calls. We do not make any calls form the app or read any phone data.
★ Global System/Tools Settings - For wireless communications disable (airplane mode) if selected in setting; enforcing app locking; locking on restart (currently disabled)
★ Kill Background Process – Used to stop apps on exit.
Other Notes:
★ You will have to set a “pin??? when you first use the app and it is required to exit out of the app
★ Kids Place has been confirmed to work with other popular kids apps
★ Kids Place has been confirmed to work with popular tablets like Google Nexus 7, Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Nook, Acer, Asus
★ This Kids Place app is only allowed for personal use. Please contact us for licensing options at [email protected] for commercial use of this app.
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