The One and Only Official Girl Scout Cookie Finder Mobile App!
The only mobile app to feature all the cookies from all the bakers! Find them first using the official Girl Scout Cookie Finder app—the closest cookie booth sales, the best way to contact your local Girl Scout Council, and the complete listing of all cookie types and flavors from all the bakers. Covers every Zip code in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
Girl Scout cookies go on sale just once a year—and for a limited time only. Make sure you never miss a sale using this simple cookie finder app that lists the time, date and location of all cookie booth sales in the country. Simple intuitive interface makes finding cookies a snap, just install and press "Find Cookies Now!"
You've got that craving. You know it's the season. And the question on everyone's mind: Where are the Girl Scout cookies?
Get the Official Girl Scouts of the USA Cookie Finder app for your iOS or Android phone or mobile device. Support Girl Scouts by using this free app that will help to navigate your way to Thin Mints, Lemonades, Tagalongs, Shout Outs, Samoas, and all the other great Girl Scout cookies in your area and around the nation. Your next box of Thin Mints is just a touch away!
Find ‘em on the go: GPS will read your location and show you cookie sales nearby.
Easy to sort and view: Sort the listings by date or radius, or view them all on a map.
How far will you go to support your local Girl Scout troop? 15 miles? 50 miles? Expand or limit the radius of which the app searches your area for sales.
The most comprehensive data available: The app contains cookie sale data from all bakers around the country, including the start and end of local cookie seasons to specific locations of sales.
Tell your friends: Post a cookie sale location to Twitter or Facebook, or send your friends an email.
Vote for your favorite: Tell us—and the world!—about your favorite Girl Scout cookie. Cast your vote on the app and share it on Facebook and Twitter.
Not just a one-time thing: Save cookie sale dates to your local calendar.
Cookies everywhere: Find cookies by zip code to find them in areas other than your current location.
Link up with Girl Scouts: Follow us on Twitter, join our group on Facebook, visit the cookie webpage, view videos on YouTube, and check out photos on Pinterest!
No cookies? No way! Connect with your local council to find out when you can get your cookies again.
Every cookie has a mission: To help girls do great things. Start with our app, and get your cookies now!
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
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