Make a few bucks for that movie opening this weekend, or make an extra paycheck: it's up to you. Gigwalk is changing the future of work by enabling people to find jobs in their area whenever and wherever it is most convenient to them. To become a Gigwalker, simply download the app! Gigwalkers can immediately begin accepting Gigs from leading organizations and get paid for the jobs they complete. For questions or support, please email us at [email protected]
What People are Saying:
"For me, Gigwalk is a metaphor for life: you get out of it as much effort as you put in... I meet new people, get to explore new parts of the City and I find the work incredibly rewarding."
-Gigwalk User
"Gigwalk has been very helpful in matching us with usability subjects, and we are excited to have found an alternative to craigslist."
-Gigwalk Customer
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