★ Features ★
A fully 3D model of the Milky Way Galaxy map - you can rotate, zoom and move the galaxy in any direction.
Information about all the known arms (Far 3kpc, Near 3kpc, Norma-Outer, Orion, Perseus, Sagittarius, Scutum-Crux) and the Galactic Core is displayed when the user touches the respective structure.
★ Options Menu ★
- can modify the star population (reducing results in an increase in FPS performance)
- can show an FPS counter in the bottom right corner of the screen
★ Information ★
This is the mobile version revamp of the galaxy map from http://www.3dgalaxymap.com/Galaxy
Inspired by the NASA annotated artist's concept from https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/display.cfm?IM_ID=8083
Currently contains the first scene - the Galaxy Scene. The following major updates are programmed to be released:
The Sector Scene will have over 140000 stars from multiple astronomical catalogs divided into 10 parsec cube sectors.
The System Scene will grant the user the possibility to explore all the exoplanets discovered so far, and the solar system with its planets and dwarf planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto.
Keywords: galaxy, astronomy, star, map, chart, space, orion, milky way, solar, sun, galactic center, spiral arm
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